Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Robert L. Borchard, Resume

Robert L. Borchard

Bachelor of Arts Degree, Sociology & Urban Studies, California State University-Chico.
Masters Study, Public Administration and Urban Planning, Cal-State University-Chico.

Examples of Continuing Education:
Economic Development Practices, Census Users Workshop (State Dept. of Commerce), General Plan Law, Subdivision Map Act, Development Agreements, LAFCO Alternatives, Shopping Center Development, Fiscal Impact Analysis, Subdivision and Zoning Law (U.C. Davis), Airport Planning (FAA), Community Development Block Grants, Flood Plain Management (HUD), FmHA Program Training (FmHA), Soils Evaluation Techniques (USD-SCS), Clean Water Grant Administration & Auditing (EPA), Local Government Finance, Planning Law Workshop (State O.P.R), Industrial Bonding Seminar (CALED), Alternative Wastewater Treatment (SWRCB), Industrial Development Finance ( APA Planners Foundation), Improvement District Administration (I.T.C.), Bonding Finance Seminar (U.C.L.A.), Real Estate Appraisal Methods (Appraisal Institute), Subdivision Map Act/CEQA Update (McCutchen, Doyle, Brown & Enerson), etc.

Employment History
Independent Planning Consultant.

Major Projects With:
The City of Merced-General Plan Update/EIR/Staff Support (Annexation/Project Review)
Merced County Association of Governments-Highway 99, 152 and 165
Major Investment Study
City of Newman-Contract Planning Director. EIR/Staff Support (Annexation/Project Review)
City of Gustine-Contract Planning Director.
City of Angels-Contract Planning Director
City of Waterford-Contract Planning Director. General Plan Update/EIR/Staff Support (Annexation/Project Review)
City of Los Banos-Planning Staff Support (Annexation/Project Review)
CSU-Stanislaus-Environmental/Planning Consultant
County of Merced-Planning Staff Support
City of Tracy-Planning Staff Support-Redevelopment
City of Marina-Project Manager, Marina Station Project

1986 to 1994: Editor & Publisher-California Development Bulletin & BBS
1986 to 1994: President & Principal Planner- Community Concepts, Inc.
1977 to 1986: Planning Director & Grants Administrator, Mariposa County Planning Department.
1975 to 1977: Program Analyst, Butte County Administrative Office, assigned to the Butte County Community Action Agency.

(past member) American Planning Assoc. (APA)-Central Section Past Director
(past member) American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)
Mariposa Co. Hospital Foundation
Mariposa Co. Youth Sports Association-Past Director
Mariposa Co. C. of C.-Past Director
Mariposa Co. EDC-Past Director & Executive Dir.
Mariposa Co. Little League-Past Vice President
Stanislaus County Planning Director’s Association.

Professional Awards and Special Recognition:
State APA Award (1990) The California Development Bulletin Newsletter.
State APA Award (1997) Merced Vision 2015 General Plan Update.
Central Section APA Recognition Mariposa County Economic Development Planning.
Central Section APA Recognition Los Mariposas Specific Plan.
Central Section APA Recognition City of Newman Street Tree Plan.
Central Section APA Recognition City of Waterford General Plan
Mariposa Co. C of C Certificate Economic Development & Planning
of Achievement

Professional Planning Experience:
Planning Management
Experience and background
. Extensive experience; served as Planning Director for the County of Mariposa, City of Angels, City of Gustine and City of Newman. Worked closely with federal (National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management), and the California State Department of Parks and Recreation over public land management policies and practices in Mariposa County. Under the direction of the Board of Supervisors/City Councils, administered advanced/current planning programs, code compliance, etc. As a private planning consultant, provided planning services to various developers and local governments throughout the central San Joaquin Valley.

Supervision responsibilities: Direct supervision of public and private sector planning staff and administration of consultant services contracts for various planning currant and advanced planning services. Direct supervision staff. Responsible for recruitment, project assignments, evaluation, training and, termination. Wrote the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual for the Butte County CAA programs.

Experience and background.
Moderate experience; worked with redevelopment agencies and programs in many different settings. Wrote environmental documents for the adoption of a Redevelopment Plan and attempted to promote the activation of the first county redevelopment agency in California other that the City and County of San Francisco. Served as the temporary Program Manager, with the City of Tracy responsible for the administration of the City’s Redevelopment Program for a period of two months. Worked on various Redevelopment projects in the City of Newman and prepared the City’s AB 1290 Implementation Plan.

Supervision responsibilities: Direct supervision of planning staff, coordination of volunteer efforts and administration of consultant services contracts for various redevelopment projects.

Economic Development
Experience and background. Moderate experience; As Planning Director of Mariposa County, designated as the Overall Economic Development Director for the County responsible for the development, administration and coordination of the County’s Overall Economic Development Program and Plan. Successful in obtaining several economic development grants for the County for the building of parking lots and improvements to water systems. Principal founder of the Mariposa County EDC and served as the volunteer Executive Director for 1 ½ years. Developed and EDC Program and Plan (APA recognition of achievement award) and obtained state revolving loan funds for a community historic restoration project. Also wrote another successful grant application for an economic development feasibility study.

Supervision responsibilities: As County Planning Director, supervised support staff (1-3 individuals) assigned to grant management and program administration.

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